5 Reasons to have a Family Photo Shoot

If we’ve learned anything during 2020-2021, it’s that events can happen at any time which change our lives forever.

At any given time, we have different people in our lives who are very important: elderly grandparents, someone who’s pregnant, newborn babies, toddlers. Babies are born, which change our lives. We lose people who are important to us, again changing our lives.

So capturing memories at any time to look back over is definitely something to be cherished.

#1 Watch Your Children Grow

A great reason to have regular family photo shoots is to capture the growth of your children. They grow so quickly and in our busy lives, it’s so easy to forget just what they were like when they were little. Not to mention just how funny and candid they were. It’s great for the children too, to look back over when they get older. They have absolutely no idea what they were like in their toddler years, so it’s great to capture that for them.

#2 Turning Family Photo Shoots into Heirlooms

When you hear the word ‘heirlooms’ you usually think of material things that are gifted to family members. But family photo shoots…..they capture a moment in time. Especially when there are young children, later in life, these photo shoots will mean something to them later in life.

#3 Celebrate Special Life Events with a Family Photo Shoot

So often we mark special occasions which special events, which is always great fun. Think about Mothers Day, or special Birthdays, or and Engagement. These are superb reasons to have a family photo shoot to mark the occasion. After the event is over, the special meal has been had, the family get together has finished……..your photos will live on. These last for absolutely ever!

#4 Have Fun with a Family Photo Shoot

Life is so busy right? In our households, we fall into a routine without even knowing how much it takes us away from the luxury of ‘just being’. Just to relax into being a family, without distraction.

When I have families in my studio, all I want them to do is hang out and have fun, while I take their natural photos. These are the types of images that make you say “….do you remember when…”. Natural and unposed photos make it possible for me to capture the essence of you and your family.

#5 Family Photos Make the Best Gifts Ever

So often we trawl the internet and the shops looking for that great gift. There’s nothing better than giving the gift of photography. The gift that keeps on giving!

Love Dee x


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